Kelly Gale Amen

Premium Interior & Furniture Design

Making Houston a Home

The first project for this client is our famous Old Santa Fe Adobe. With a love for Houston, this beloved connection wanted to bring part of the Santa Fe charm in their newer residence. What ensued is a space that evokes warmth and sunlight, bathed in shades of yellow, beige, with the hints of red that are so beloved in the Adobe. 
The rooms are full of KGA patterns, and the owner’s extensive art collection adds a fascinating touch to the house. In this project, it was all about bringing the joy of Santa Fe somewhere else, without making anything look like a costume. We invite you to stroll through it with the same pleasure we felt on handover. 
Kelly Gale Amen Houston Interior Designer | DSC 8768 Edit

Got A Project?

While our waitlist is often full, we are always happy to discuss new and exciting projects. If you’ve got a space you think would benefit from Kelly’s expertise, simply get in touch with us with the Contact Form on the website (or by clicking the button below). You can always just give us a call too! 

Kelly Gale Amen Houston Interior Designer | 160925 cst homeport 01 132133 3254 3