Kelly Gale Amen

Premium Interior & Furniture Design

2004 – The 1st Zina Garrison Academy Event

KGA Design has an active partnership with the Zina Garrison Academy for tennis & sports charities. Supporting children from all backgrounds in joining sports clubs and having better access to tennis and physical activity facilities resonates with our mission at KGA Design, and in 2004 we launched our first charitable event. 

Children were invited to decorate several canvases and KGA Design pieces, which were then auctioned to support charities on the topic. 

Kelly Gale Amen Houston Interior Designer | IMG 0060

Need our presence?

KGA Design considers its installation & exhibition presence very carefully. That said, we do welcome interest from third parties. If you’ve got an exhibition or installation you want us to be part of, please get in touch using the form on this website, or by calling us directly at the phone number listed on the Contact Us page. 

Kelly Gale Amen Houston Interior Designer | Kelly