Kelly Gale Amen

Premium Interior & Furniture Design

1999 – Texas Children’s Bed

What can be more important than the next generation? KGA Design has been an active advocate for children’s rights and well-being for over three decades. This installation, done in Houston, TX in 1999, is a homage to children worldwide. It was a key piece of a significant fundraiser at the time, and continues to live in various galleries around the Metropole. 

Kelly Gale Amen Houston Interior Designer | 12 jan 3

Need our presence?

KGA Design considers its installation & exhibition presence very carefully. That said, we do welcome interest from third parties. If you’ve got an exhibition or installation you want us to be part of, please get in touch using the form on this website, or by calling us directly at the phone number listed on the Contact Us page. 

Kelly Gale Amen Houston Interior Designer | Kelly