Kelly Gale Amen

Premium Interior & Furniture Design

Lofty Ideas

Kelly Amen
P.O. Box 66447
Houston, TX

Dear Kelly,

Here it is! Your private copy of Lofty Ideas featuring your beautiful loft. We certainly hope that you enjoy this episode as much as we do.

Thank you again for your hositality and cooperation. It was a pleasure having you on the show. Congratulations on creating a fabulous and unique interior that our viewers are sure to enjoy. If you ever have future work you think we should consider for our program, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would love the opportunity to feature your work again.

All the best.


Kathy Doherty
Associate Producer

August 17, 2000

Kelly Amen
P.O. Box 66447
Houston, TX

Dear Kelly,

On behalf of the entire cast and crew of Lofty Ideas, I would like to extend our warmest thanks for taking part in our series. The footage looks great and we are looking forward to seeing the final cut. It’s going to make a wonderful addition to the show.

The series Lofty Ideas is due to air in October 2000 in Canada and in the winter/spring of 2001 in the United States. The exact air dates are still being discussed, but we will be in touch as soon as they have been decided upon. We will also send you a copy of the show by the end of December so that you will have a private copy for your home library.

If you have any questions at all please feel free to give us a call.

All the best.


Tim Alp

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