Kelly Gale Amen was featured alongside well-known American designers Barbara Taylor Bradford and R. Michael Brown garnering attention for his upcoming worldwide buying trip with Spencer Cornelison of Zarbia, Inc. The three-month long trip will be a purchasing excursion for existing clients and Amen will work on developing exclusive inventory for the Houston Market.
Along with purchasing for clients, Amen and Cornelison will be stopping by the homes of Malcom Forbes of Forbes Magazine and Princess Lalla Aicha in Marrakech. They have also planned visits in Tangier, York, and New Orleans at the homes of Yves Vidal, Charles Sevinge, Mickey Easterling and Mrs. Weiss, owner of the Fairmount Hotel in New Orleans.
This feature is a big accomplishment for Amen in his developing career to be place alongside industry standards like Bradford and Brown. Bradford is well known for her work as a syndicated decorating columnist for the Los Angeles Times before branching out as a novelist and Brown has done interior design work with the New York City Landmarks Commission and collaborated with the Ford Foundation.
Kelly Gale Amen, A.S.I.D, started his interior design work work six years previously with the founding of KGA Inc. in 1974. He has worked with clients in Houston, Santa Fe, and Atlanta, and his passion for unique design is exhibit in his interiors.