On Tuesday, August 31, 2004 at nine in the morning an unveiling ceremony was held at J. Will Jones Elementary school in Houston, TX to celebrate the installation of the first of a series of KGA Bronze & Fossil Stone single benches at the school.
Kelly was greeted by the J Will Jones choir* who lined the halls and sang as the unveiling began.
The bench was delicately veiled and a formal unveiling proceeded to everyone’s delight.
In the following decade, more artistic benches will be added to the campus on permanent display in honor of each graduating fifth grade classes.
The project is to promote art awareness and encourage young people to pursue careers in the visual arts.
J. Will Jones Elementary is a fine-arts, extended instructional day magnet program.
*The music classrooms at J. Will Jones Elementary follow a Kodaly inspired curriculum.
Zoltan Kodaly was a Hungarian composer whose ideas about the music education of children have been developed into a sequential method for ages zero to ninety. Kodaly believed that all people are musical and that children can best be reached by early exposure to music of the highest quality.
Folk music the “musical mother tongue” of the child, is used along with art music. Not only do children learn to read, write, and compose music, but they gain the knowledge and appreciation that will enable them to become lifelong musicians.