Kelly Gale Amen

Premium Interior & Furniture Design

The Art Car Parade

The Orange Show asked for it and we brought it back!

It’s time for fun and The Art Car Parade
Saturday May 8th, 2004


The Bluebonnet Express is rolling again.

This year we are entry #246.

The Wildflower Truck will be in place to participate in this years Parade starting at 10am

The Parade is scheduled to roll at 1pm Soooo—-get your fine self on down to Allen Parkway in time to take a walk around and see all the strange and wonderful people, cars and contraptions and then pile into the truck for the parade. Barb will be at the truck with refreshments, parasols, fans, hand painted T-shirts and her handy little cell phone to guide you to our position in the pre-parade line up.

After the parade the truck will roll on to the KGA Compound at 3:00pm for a swim, some shade, drinks and food.

So, gentle folk, come on and join the fun for a full day of Art Cars and KGA.

If you catch a ride or take a cab to Allen Parkway the Wildflower Truck will carry you back to the KGA Compound after the parade.

Let’s Have Some Extra Big Fun
The KGA Compound

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