KGA Original Creations | Functional Art Furniture | Cast Metal Furniture
Gay and Lesbian Elder Housing (GLEH) GLEH is the nation’s first affordable housing complex and activity center serving low income lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender (LGBT) elders. Its mission is to improve the life experience of LGBT elders by developing affordable housing, providing comprehensive care, and ensuring, through advocacy and education, a brighter future for the LGBT elder community. www.gleh.org.
All people must give back to their community. As an artist, your community is of the highest relevance, because it is more often than not the world entire. At KGA, we are passionate about many various causes and events, and are glad to create and provide commemorative benches. Assembled and created with the finest materials, then carefully welded to original designs, our benches stand as testament to whatever message we are given.
All the content and intellectual property featured on this website are designed and assembled by a team of humans, and belong exclusively to Kelly Gale Amen Design Inc. We restrict the right of replication without official, written consent from our directors. We also refuse our material being used in any machine learning algorithms without our consent.